Just Beneath a Dream

Just Beneath a Dream

Sound Strategy

Sound Strategy

Natural Hunger

Natural Hunger

  • 21 Jun 2025
    Jazz Club Hannover
    Hannover, Germany
    Buy Tickets
  • This guy is great...sorry I'm a latecomer!
  • Gilles Peterson (BBC Radio)
  • Amazing talent.
  • BBE Music
  • Berlin-based pianist, vocalist, lyricist, and composer Sean Haefeli mesmerized us with his vocal jazz.
..looks like dude has a pretty fail proof thing going on as far as many are concerned.”
  • Giant Step
  • “The lyrics sound like modern poetry, sort of a cross between Ezra Pound in the metro and some alternative spoken word down by the Green Mill in Chicago...He takes unexpected twists and turns, puts lyrics you have to listen to at least thrice in order to decipher the deeptitudes being discussed. Some times it swings, some times it grooves but there is always something emotionally moving going on.
  • Kalamu Ya Salaam (poet/reviewer)